

Newsletter is a widget from Wysija (MailPoet Newsletters) plugin with it’s aesthetics adjusted to fit the News2 theme.


Social Icons

Social icons are a text widget, which can be used in Social widget area.


The structure of social icons is following:


<a href=# target=»_blank»><i class=»gk-icon-gplus»></i></a>
<a href=# target=»_blank»><i class=»gk-icon-twitter»></i></a>
<a href=# target=„_blank»><i class=»gk-icon-fb»></i></a>
<a href=# target=»_blank»><i class=»gk-icon-rss»></i></a>



Separate login/register page



The News 2 theme comes with separated login/register page (rebuilt login template page). If you want to achieve a layout visible on the above image, you need to use Login template.

Update Date

The updates section displays the last modification date based on posts/pages content database tables. You can use this shortcode e.g. in text widget (Updates widget area) to display this update date:





Facebook like box

Shortcode [code][fb_like_box][/code] can be used to create Facebook Like Box:



You can use following box attributes:

Example shortcode:

[code][fb_like_box width=»200″ height=»300″ url=»» color=»dark» border=»true»][/code]

Full documentation may be found here.

If you want to use this shortcode, please remember that Social API form Template Options should be enabled.


New features in the News Show Pro GK5 module

News Show Pro widget contains few useful features prepared especially for the News 2 theme.



Now you can enable in the links layout section displaying of the images in the links section. The dimensions of the images can be specified under the thumbnails tab.

Additionally you can add left/right css suffix to display links and article blocks side by side.


Moreover in the links section you can display the button with specified link i.e. to the items category.



The News 2 theme contains a special script which add in all News Show Pro instances with the highlight ssuffix additional interface at the bottom. We recommend to use this feature only on the banner_left widget area with article layout based on few pages, one row and one column.

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